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It has already been four weeks since I started Nature's Creatures, and as cliche as it sounds, it went so fast! If you are just joining me on this journey, I am creating a new applique collection, Nature's Creatures, whilst mum writes her new quilt-as-you-go book. It has been a reprieve for me to carve time out of my never-ending schedule to design. Every week I feel like I challenge myself and am only getting faster at it. This week I was going to focus on a native bee, but the butterfly kept calling me. I would see them everywhere, and it seemed an appropriate time to create one based on all the changes I have been going through in my personal life.

The pattern includes all the details to make one Butterfly design. However, like the three other patterns in this collection, The Butterfly can also be rotated to create a full quilt-as-you-go quilt.

There are two ways to rotate the pattern, and you can also reuse the tulip design to add a similar flower border like the other designs.

I am very inspired by art forms related to my ancestry and European heritage, such as Baroque, Rococo, Art Noveau and Art Deco. I love Baroque elements such as the sense of richness, drama, movement, opulence and how it blurs the distinction between various art movements. However, this style has historically been reserved within the grandeur of palace walls, locked away for only a few to enjoy. So, for me, I like the idea of creating my own appliques that can draw elements from these art movements and be accessible to anyone who is crafty and wants to make one.

The Butterfly is a symbol of rebirth, transformation and change. This year I feel like I have been in my own cocoon; I have spent a lot of my time recovering from long covid and lying on the lounge with two busted ankles. The year before was also lockdown, and I am sure we all feel this sense of isolation one way or another. Not only that, but this week my fiance Alex and I have gone our separate ways realising we work well as business partners (We have an art business outside of Pattern Poole). And while I am mourning this change, it is for the best. 2020 has changed many of us and allowed us to realign our goals and values towards the future. Life is short, so we should honour ourselves and what we wish to do with our time; mine is to continue on the journey of creating content and art for you all. I hope that within time, I will emerge from my cocoon a butterfly, ready to go out into the world, travel and make many more YouTube videos! In the meantime, I will draw as much as possible and hopefully sew a new wardrobe for myself. We shall see, though!

Oh, I thought I would include my favourite comment I received about this applique by @rubyjean1918 on Instagram.

I didn't even intend for this whilst drawing, but I can see it now, and I am so happy with the result! I love how when you create art, it goes into the world for anyone to create their own meaning.

So perhaps this pattern would make a great gift for a close female friend who is going through a lot too. I have put a lot of love and energy into this design, and I am sure whoever makes it will do the same.

Until next week,


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