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Pattern poole update

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

Read on to see what is new and what is happening next year!

Hi everyone, Sorry, we have been MIA! It turns out that writing a book combining the entirety of your life's work takes a long time. However, we are almost done. We pushed hard to finish it before Christmas, but unfortunately, we were rushing and couldn't meet our deadline. But that's ok, as we promise it will be worth the wait.

Sneak peek of one of the quilts from the book; there are a total of 5 small projects to practice the quilt-as-you-go joining techniques.

(This one is the largest, and the others are smaller, which is perfect for practising)

Where we are at:

We are done, minus the final edit and some photography. However, we are currently researching the printing process. We would love to know if you would prefer it as a digital or hard copy.

The pros of digital are:

  1. It is an instant download; there is no waiting.

  2. You can zoom in and see all the photos clearly.

  3. You can place it on an iPad stand next to your machine for easy reading.

The cons of digital are:

  1. You have to print it yourself (which isn't always a con, as you can choose how it is bound).

The pros of a hardcopy are:

  1. You have a hard copy forever.

  2. Easy to read.

The cons of a hardcopy are:

  1. You can't zoom into photos.

  2. Long shipping time.

It is up to you; let us know which you would prefer in the poll below or leave us a comment.




Next week, we will be opening a pre-order list, so please keep an eye out!

2024 PLANS

I can't believe how quickly this year is coming to an end!

We will keep working on the book until the New Year and finish it in January 2024, and we will have some new YouTube tutorials to accompany the book.

In 2024, we plan on running another mystery quilt course, starting in March, as usual. This one is going to be a master class like Island Home. It will run monthly for the entire year to give everyone plenty of time to make each quilt section. The exciting thing is that we will release a pieced block with a technique and a bonus applique pattern each month. So, you can make your own version of the quilt.

Now, the mermaid isn't a hint to the theme; it is a teaser of the new applique series to come next year!

The weather is heating up now, and we are preparing for a family Aussie Christmas down at the beach! So we better get back to working on this book. But stay tuned for more book updates and info on our 2024 mystery course!

We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season!

Love Alaura and Monica

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