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We received the test print of our book!

On Friday evening, we received a text message from our printing company saying the test print for Mum's book was ready and a representative would drop it over. Mum danced excitedly as what felt like an impossible feat of writing a book was finally complete, and for the first time, she could hold the physical manifestation of all her hard work in her own two hands.

So, late Friday night, while Mum and I were having a few wines, a chirpy man dropped the book off, and we flipped through it together. (Chirpy man did not stay, haha)

I marveled at all the effort that went into the photography and copy. All the instructions were so clear, with large fonts and bright, colourful pictures clearly capturing each step in the instructions. Not only that, the book is littered with QR codes that head straight to existing YouTube tutorials to explain Mum's techniques further. We had a lot of fun scanning the codes and watching back some of our YouTube tutorials. I realised that they had become the immortalisation of time in my and Mum's life together. We would say, "Oh, remember when we were filming that video," and reminisce on a specific time in our lives. It is funny when you create things; you often forget the work you have done as you are so busy moving on to the next creative endeavor. We are so excited to launch this book, especially the printed copy, which turned out better than we could have ever imagined.

Continue down to see some of the photos.

The book is spiral-bound with a Canadian-style cover so it has a pretty spine when sitting on your bookshelf!

The Details of our Launch:

Each book is printed to order, so for all those who have pre-ordered, your book is being printed this week and will be available for you to purchase today. (6th March 2024).

You will have one week to claim your printed book. After that, it will be open for all to purchase worldwide.

Please note: pre-orders are now closed. For other interested customers, the book and PDF will be available in late March to purchase. Not long now, please subscribe to our website to stay up to date. For more information on what is in the book, check out this blog post here:

Words from Monica:

"Thank you all so much for your support! Writing this book felt like an impossible feat, some days I didn't know where to start, and other days, I had no words left. However, all your constant support kept me going, so thank you to all those who were checking in and encouraging me. I can't wait to see what quilts you all make!"

We can't wait to get back to YouTube and start our online course. We are heading fabric shopping this week! Our requirements list will be available soon, so please stay tuned!

Lots of love, Alaura and Monica

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copyright Pattern Poole 2024

Pattern Poole acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands where we work and live, Darkinjung Country. We pay respect to Ancestors and Elders, past, present and future. 

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